Red-tailed Hawk


Bird of prey to start the day.

Red-bellied woodpecker

James took a picture of a Red-bellied Woodpecker (male) at the feeders on May 8.

At the feeders…May 2

This morning there are three indigo buntings at the red feeder. Got a new picture of one of them:

And then there’s this little guy. We have several of them. But I do not know what this bird is. Any help?

Wild Turkeys

When I think of wild turkeys and Nantucket, I think more people think this than this, but this afternoon I came across two loud and bold wild turkeys out in Quidnet.

Is this common on the island?

Today’s baseball game?

This morning I’ve seen the Bluejays and the Orioles are in town. I’m waiting for a bird wearing Red Sox to show up at the feeders!

oriole 1
oriole 2

More from the bird feeders

Can you tell I am on vacation this week? It would be great if life was made up of bike rides and zooming in on the birds at the feeder.

We now have both a male and female downy woodpecker visiting the suet feeders and I was able to get a couple of better pictures of the male.



Also noticed at the feeders today, pine siskins, which I had to look up in the books. They look like boring finches until they fly, and then you see the patch of yellow on their backs, between their wings. They also don’t go for the thistle seed like the goldfinches, and prefer the suet. Only, they seem to have trouble landing on the cages, so they flutter like overgrown, clumsy hummingbirds and pick off pieces of the suet.


And later I was startled by a brief flash of color. When I looked out, I thought I just saw a crow, until the sun hit it just right and I recognized a male common grackle, with its iridescent blues, purples, and bronzes, and its stark yellow eye. This was as close as it got.


Now I’m not really much of a birder. So someone correct me if I have ID’ed these birds incorrectly.

At the feeder

I put up suet cages this past weekend and my best customer since has been this Downy Woodpecker. Hard to get a photo of her so far though…

Downy Woodpecker

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